That’s a brief summary of the blog posted today on Big Think. Looking forward, we need to look back as well with a critical eye — realizing that a lot of myths and pseudo-events have interfered with women’s progress and continue to do so today. Myths are more the problem than men ever were. They perpetuate the issue discussed today at a PwC Aspire webcast I attended — the lowering of women’s confidence. We worry too much about being labelled, being wrong, making mistakes, and dwell too much on what others or we think we didn’t do well. It reminds me of a poem I read years ago. I’ve been searching for the source.
A woman thinks about her faults until they seem like double. A man he just forgives himself and saves the Lord the trouble.
It’s an exaggeration. But there’s some benefit to be taken from it. Sometimes we’re just too hard on ourselves. Pass that on to your daughters.